Monday, December 3, 2012

Torani Syrup review and Delicious Holiday Recipe sent me 2 full size 750 ml bottles of Torani Syrups to review and come up with recipes to go along with as part of the Torani Holiday Cheers program. The flavors I was sent were Salted Caramel and Peppermint. And since I am a simple person (a.k.a not creative when it comes to experimenting with food and drink without a already made up recipe!), I came up with 2 very simple recipes!

The First recipe is great for the Holidays. Peppermint Hot Chocolate!!! Here's what you need:
  • 1 pack of your Favorite hot chocolate
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of Torani Peppermint syrup
  • Whipped Cream 
  • Chocolate syrup
  • Optional Peppermint candies crushed up in a Blender

Make your Hot Chocolate like you normally would. Add the peppermint syrup and stir. Squirt the whipped cream on top and the chocolate syrup and crushed peppermint for a delicious decorations. Since I didn't have any peppermint candies at home I didn't add any but I think I would be a nice touch and super delicious!!! (Gotta have the coffee house fancy schmansy-iness. Just sayin'.)

*don't mid the background of above photo. Only room in my house that has great lighting*

Second recipe is Caramel Latte. Honestly I don't know if latte is the correct term but it sounds good. More importantly It tastes really good! Here is what you need:
  • Your favorite coffee brewed like you would normally do
  • A dollop of milk (as little or as much as you want)
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of the Torani Salted Caramel Syrup
  • Whipped cream (optional)
  • Caramel syrup and chocolate syrup (optional)

Brew your coffee the way you normally do and add milk. Add the salted caramel and stir. You don't need sugar because this is plenty sweet!

You could leave it like this of you could get the coffee house effect by adding whipped cream and drizzling with caramel and chocolate syrups! If you wanted to, you could add ice and make it an Iced Latte. Or for a Frappe', put coffee grounds, milk, water, Torani syrup, and ice in a blender to blend then add whipped cream and syrups on top. (I just ad lib when it comes to measurements. It's the simple girl in me so I don't have exact measurements!)
So here are my thoughts on the Torani products. My favorite is definitely the Salted Caramel! It is so good! It taste way better than regular caramel. It adds such great flavor to coffee drinks! Recipe 2 was definitely my favorite! I could definitely drink this everyday!
I liked the peppermint syrup also. And recipe one was definitely good. But I have to be in the mood to drink or eat peppermint. This drink is definitely a seasonal drink for me
Overall, I love the idea this syrup! It can be used in so many different things from coffee drink to alcoholic drinks to fruity drinks like lemonade to even food! There are so many flavors to choose from that you could practically use for anything that you wanted to. They have fruity flavors, baked food flavors, you name it! They have the regular syrups and Sugar free syrups. Some of the flavors I'm looking forward to try are Blue Raspberry, Pumpkin Spice, and Cinnamon Vanilla!
The syrups are super affordable. Price points:
  • 750 ml bottle, the cost is $7.95 (before tax)
  • 3 pack (3 x 750 ml) is $22.05
  • 12 pack (12 x 750 ml) is $83.40
 To purchase just go to There you can check out all the flavors they have. You can buy in stores. I live in Georgia and select Walmarts and Cost Plus World Markets carry it here. But None near where I live. The website has a store locator so you can check if there are any stores near you that carry these products.

Overall I highly recommend! Great for kitchen novices (like me) and experts! This would also make great Christmas or Birthday presents too!

Please let me know if you have tried these products or are going to try them! I'd love to see what kind of recipes you come up with!!!

*This is a sponsored post. I was sent these products to review and blog about by! This is 100% my HONEST opinion! I was not paid to write this review! I was only sent these items!*