Sunday, April 1, 2012

Review: Simple Hydrating Light Moisturizer

I want to thank for sending me this product for free to review!

A little bit about this product. According to the company, Simple Hydrating Light Moisturizer has:
  • Light silky formulas that provides all-day nourishment and moisture
  • Added vitamins: Pro-Vitamin B5 (aka pantothenic acid which helps treat acne and helps to soften and soothe dry skin) and Vitamin E (an antioxidant that helps protect the fatty acids in your skin against free radicals from stress, pollutants, and smoking. Also can help protect against UV radiation. Helps to destroy damaged skin cells.)
  • Glycerin (a known Humectant, which keeps water in your skin therefore keeping you moisturized) and Borage Seed Oil (Comes from the Borage Flower. Contains gamma linolenic acid which helps to maintain radiant skin. Works with the body to make the hormone Prostagladin which has anti-inflammatory properties. Also protects skin from damage and regulates water loss)
  • Product has no dyes, artificial perfumes, or harsh irritants to upset the skin

Pictures Below:
{[WARNING: No Makeup On!!! This is me actually putting on the product!]}

I have to say I was surprisingly pleased with this moisturizer. I have combination/ oily, sensitive skin. So I have trouble finding products that don't irritate my skin and/or aren't too heavy. (I really don't like the feeling that a product is sitting on my skin instead of absorbing into it!)  I have tried moisturizers that are "formulated" for sensitive skin. I have also tried product that are supposedly "lightweight." I've tried high-end and drug store and I haven't found one that I truly like!

I have been trying this out for a few weeks now. I have noticed that my skin is truly hydrated. I've been getting less breakouts which I'm pretty sure was due to the lack of moisture. It doesn't feel heavy on my skin. This product absorbs pretty quickly! And my skin doesn't get as oily in the T-zone anymore (also another issue I contribute to lack of moisture.) It is super lightweight, which I love!

I use this in the morning before I apply my makeup. This acts as my primer. Through out the day, I notice that my foundation doesn't slide around. I don't look like a grease ball in my t-zone. I also apply this at night. (Probably obvious but in case you wanted to know.)

Overall I am very happy with this moisturizer! Its great for sensitive skins. Also great for combination and oily complexions. You could probably use this if you have dry sky but not if it's overly dry! I love that it is truly lightweight! I love how my skin feels after using this product! I will definitely be purchasing this again!

******All scientific info in this post is from*******

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