Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Randomness: Sephora Wishlist!

I went to the Sephora Website.  And I saw this above image. If you click on it, it takes you to their facebook page where you can create a wish list that you can enter to win $100 gift card! Fun right!?

I thought this was a fun way to let everyone know what you wanted for Christmas...or any of the holidays that are being celebrated around this time of year! For me, it's items that I really want but can't get right now for various reasons. It's also items that I'm not going to necessarily ask my family to get me either.

This is a plus for me because my friends and family follow me on Facebook and they can check out my wish list. Whether I get some or all these items or not, I just feel like it is something fun! Who knows, you or i may be one of the daily members to win the $100 gift card!

Happy late night randomness to you!

****This is not sponsored! It is just something that I did that I thought would be fun to see what **** everyone wished for. Image is from the Sephora website homepage

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