Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Skincare 101: Acne Treatment

This is a simple recipe for acne that I have come across. It s super easy and it works. The best part about it s that it is 100% natural and it is made from ingredients most likely on your spice rack. This is the Honey and Cinnamon spot treatment!

Honey and Cinnamon...that's all you need. All you do is take a small bowl or container (the smallest you can find), and add the honey. Then sprinkle in the cinnamon.  Mix it together. (You want to add enough to make it into a paste.) Once it's mixed to a paste consistency you want to put some on your pimples and leave on for about 15 minutes. Wash it off thoroughly with warm water. Do NOT leave it on all night. It will dry out the pimple and kill any bacteria.

If you want you can make enough to rub on your whole face as a mask. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. You can also make enough for later uses. Just store it in the fridge. It should be good for about 2 weeks.

Cinnamon is an antioxidant which will help fight free radicals and other pollutants. It also has antimicrobial properties that help fight bacteria and other germs. Honey is an antibacterial to fight bacteria.

***Just a disclaimer: I just want to put it out there that I am not a doctor or dermatologist. This is something that I have used and have been very pleased with the results. If you are allergic to honey or cinnamon, then I would not use this on your face.***

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