Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! Venetian Mask!

For Halloween I decided to try doing my own version of a Venetian Mask using makeup. I don't normally do anything for Halloween but since I knew that I would be taking my little sister trick or treating, I decided to do this. It was really fun to do. A little time consuming but fun. (The first picture below was the one I tried duplicating.)

What I used:
  • Glue Stick
  • White Eyeliner
  • Concealer
  • Halloween Face Paint from Walmart.
  • Baby Powder
  • Gold Halloween glitter from Walmart.
  • Fake Eyelashes from Walmart
  • 120 Eyeshadow Palette 3rd Edition from BH Cosmetics (Red and Black Eyeshadow)
  • 88 Eyeshadow Palette Cool Shimmer & Tropical Shimmer from BH Cosmetics (Gold, Yellow Gold, White)
  • Gold Ribbon from Walmart
  • Black Liquid Eyeliner

First I concealed my eyebrows. Take the glue stick and rub a thick amount back and forth over eyebrows to really get glue on eyebrows. Pat down so that the eyebrows are sticking to skin and its slick. Don't want any loose strands sticking up. Then use some concealer to conceal the eyebrows.

Take a white eyeliner pencil and outline the shape of your mask and eye holes. Fill in with white face paint (including lips) and set with baby powder. Using the eyeshadow, start creating your designs. I used a concealer brush, and angled eyeliner brush and Q-tips to draw my design. I drew my eye detail first then colored then did the gold shading around my eyes using different shades of gold. Then  did the detailing. Since I only had loose glitter, I used eyelash glue to keep the glitter on my face and to help create the "checkered" detail below eyes. Some rhinestones came with the glitter and I also used eyelash glue to attach that. I glued the ribbon on the edge to give it that "mask" feel. I also used eyelash glue because I ran out of glue stick. I would highly recommend not using eyelash glue, especially around the hairline because it wasn't fun removing the ribbon!

All in all it was an easy look to do. Let me know what you think! Happy Halloween!!!:D

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